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学术讲座——浙财数量经济研究中心Seminar 46
时间:2024-12-17来源: 作者:点击数:

Bank Market Power and Central Bank Digital Currency: A Case of Imperfect Substitution


摘要:This paper studies the effect of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) on bank intermediation when the CBDC is an imperfect substitute for bank deposits in payments and the deposit market is imperfectly competitive. We show that a CBDC can promote bank intermediation and output if the CBDC rate is in some intermediate range. A CBDC that is a better substitute has larger positive effects. It can raise lending and output by more, starts to increase lending and output at a lower interest rate and promotes intermediation and output for a wider range of interest rates. Therefore, to better reap the benefit of a CBDC, it should be designed as a close substitute to bank deposits.







主讲人简介:龚勋,现任浙江大学经济学院金融系助理教授(百人计划研究员)以及金融研究院和中国数字经济研究中心研究员,博士毕业于美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,主要研究方向包括宏观经济学、货币经济学、搜寻匹配理论和市场微观结构,研究成果发表于International Economic Review,担任多个经济学国际知名期刊审稿人。