主讲人:许一帆 浙江财经大学经济学院
冯帆 浙江财经大学经济学院
主持人:王泽荣 浙江财经大学经济学院
线上:腾讯会议ID 930-452-489
[主讲人简介] 许一帆,经济学博士,浙江财经大学经济学院讲师,主要研究方向为数字经济、产业经济学。研究成果发表于《经济学家》、《社会科学战线》、《浙江学刊》等国内外期刊。
Quantifying the impact of Russia–Ukraine crisis on food security and trade pattern: evidence from a structural general equilibrium trade model
Considering the importance of Russia and Ukraine in agriculture, we quantified the potential impact of the Russia–Ukraine conflict on food output, trade, prices and food security for the world. Using the quantitative and structural multi-country and multi-sector general equilibrium trade model, we analyzed the potential impacts of the conflict on the global food trade pattern and security. Finally, we found that the conflict would lead to soaring agricultural prices, decreasing trade volume and severe food insecurity especially for countries that rely heavily on grain imports from Ukraine and Russia, such as Egypt and Turkey. In addition, major production countries such as the United States and Canada may even benefit from the conflict. Meanwhile, restrictions on upstream energy and fertilizer will amplify the negative effects of food insecurity.
[主讲人简介] 冯帆,经济学博士,浙江财经大学经济学院讲师。研究聚焦于农产品国际贸易、海洋经济。近年来主持中国人民大学科研创新项目,并参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,研究成果发表于China Agricultural Economic Review, Marine Policy等国内外期刊。